When it comes to shipping goods, airplanes have certain restrictions on the types of items they can carry. Explosives, gases, flammable materials, and toxic items are all prohibited from being shipped by air cargo. Additionally, live animals, human remains, hazardous waste, and a number of other items are also not allowed. There are also restrictions on the amount of certain items that can be shipped at one time, such as alcohol and tobacco products.
It is important to check the list of restricted items before booking an air cargo service. Some items whose air transport is restricted may come as a surprise. For example, smartphones, smartwatches, laptops, tablets and cameras containing lithium batteries are often allowed in air cargo services. Air transport is a convenient and fast way to move cargo and is suitable for small and large companies, as well as individuals.dFreight Air Freight Service offers competitive pricing, fast delivery, the convenience of booking, real-time online tracking and customs clearance to its commercial customers. With these value propositions in mind, air freight moving can be a great option for those looking to ship goods quickly and conveniently.